Monday, January 14, 2013

100 Things I Love About Korea # 38: Shille Bang Bang - Trampoline Center

You know those rainy days when kids have so much energy where they are literally bouncing off the walls?  Why not send them somewhere (else) to do that?
That is the brilliant idea behind Shille Bang-Bang.  You could walk right past it without ever knowing it is there.  The entrance to this basement underworld is hidden under a small sign in a mini-alley off a main street near our local Lotte Mart.  But it is a treasure well worth discovering.
With four separate trampolines, Emma and her friends can go bounce ‘till their hearts are content.  For just 2,000 ($1.75), Emma gets an hour of exercise (plus the fifteen minute walk to get there), and we get some piece and quiet.  Just one more reason, why I love this place!

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