Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Demand a Discussion about Poverty

This is from the ONE organization:

In the last two presidential debates, Republican and Democratic, global poverty didn't rack up a lot of air time. In fact, it got mentioned a grand total of zero times. The presidential candidates will only do better and the plight of one billion people trapped in poverty around the world will only take center stage, when you stand up and demand it.

That's why ONE Vote '08, our initiative to make extreme poverty and global disease central issues in the debate over American foreign policy, is launching a new campaign.

We're calling the campaign just that, On the Record. It's a simple idea—asking the handful of people who are vying to lead our country for the next four years what they plan to do—that could have a big impact.

That's because ONE is asking the presidential candidates to go On the Record in two very important ways. First, we'll ask them to tell us in writing where they stand on eradicating malaria, improving child and maternal health, reversing the spread of HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis, achieving universal primary education and providing access to food and clean water for all.

At the same time, the On the Record petition asks the candidates to speak on camera directly to ONE members about their commitment to fighting extreme poverty and global disease.

I've just signed a petition to the 2008 presidential candidates asking them to go on the record and tell us exactly where they stand on fighting extreme poverty and global disease.

You can take action on this important cause too by visiting http://www.one.org/ontherecord


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