Monday, October 8, 2007

McClaren on Homosexuality and Christology

So my friend, David, has posted a few comments about Brian McClaren raising questions about his reliability as a Christian teacher. The two points in contention are specifically Christology (our theology of who Jesus is) and homosexuality.

Let me address Christology first. In his comment to my post, "Replies - especially Velvit Elvis and emerging church," David had this to say about Brian McClaren and the Emergent church: "Theologically everything is on the table; from the deity of Christ, to a re-purposed view of sexual ethics, to calling a God a 'chick'. They seem to identify more with Christ as the example of a cause, and pursue social justice as the highest calling. Examples of proponents would be Brian McClaren."
While I think this description fits some in the "emergent church" branch, I'm not sure it fits McClaren. In Generous Orthodoxy, McClaren gives several chapters to stating a very orthodox Christology, including a divine Christ.
On the other hand, while I agree with all of the actual theological and ethical possitions McClaren takes in this book, and I definitely affirm an attitude of generous (ie. humble) orthodoxy, I have questions about some of the philosophical foundations. A few months ago I read How (Not) to Speak of God by Peter Rollins (another Emergent guy), and in the forward McClaren said he was a raving fan of this book. Unfortunately, at one point, Rollins actually says that maintaining a demand for orthodoxy is naive. I understand the general thrust of his book -- God is too big to fit into a box. We often have more wrong than we have right. We need to fall down before the mystery of God and admit that whatever we believe about God is not exactly who God actually is. Our words and our thoughts cannot contain God. -- I get all of that, and I appreciate Rollins sensitivity to the disgust which conservative Christian's hardline stances give to nonChristians. McClaren's take on this is that orthodoxy is not so much "believing the right things" as it is "believing in the right way." However, I am concerned that "generous orthodoxy" may dissolve into generous orthopraxy (doing the right things). In other words, it doesn't matter what you believe as long as you're living right. While there is a definite appeal to that philosophy, it just doesn't seem to square with the Bible or my conscience.
Even so, my sense is that both McClaren and Rollins actually want to uphold the orthodox Christian faith. However, they are genuinely wrestling with how to do this amid a new (and changing/emerging) way of thinking. They are open to taking risks as they wrestle with the wide range of factors involved in all of this discussion, so sometimes they may misstep or misspeak. However, the sense I get is that they are genuinely following Christ and are overall helpful teachers of how to follow Christ. (Remember, Luther and Huss and Tyndale and a score of others were all called heretics until after the Reformation, and what is happening now is similar to the societal shift that happened then.)

Regarding homosexuality, check out this article by Brian McClaren in Christianity Today: This is what my friend David is concerned about. In terms of McClaren's pastoral response, I think he showed intense wisdom and insightful pastoral care. That couple didn't want a treatise on homosexuality or even a direct statement about "what the Bible says." They just wanted to know if their dads would be welcome to participate in their wedding even though they are gay. Of course, the answer to that question was yes. So often the church drives people away with our quick answers about wrong and right, but we do little to help people integrate these answers into the overall canvas of a God who is in love with all people at all times regardless of their actions or orientations.
In terms of my personal beliefs, I believe that any sexual practice outside of marriage is wrong, and I believe that marriage is between one man and one woman only. However, I also understand that many good Christians disagree with me - even a very few leaders in the Church of the Nazarene, surprisingly. Homosexuality is a complex issue, and as some people have tried to deal with this issue and the Bible's teaching on it, different people have honestly come to different answers. As an attitude of humility, I hold to my reading (and my community's reading) of the Biblical texts, but not dogmatically, not absolutely. I recognize that we still have much to learn here.
I also recognize that few issues have led the church into such dangerous and damaging preaching and arguing as homosexuality and sexuality in general. I want no part of this. I am all for preaching the truth, but simply stating a true fact does not mean we have done so with love or gentleness or respect or humility (all Biblical requirements for preaching and dialog).

Perhaps what we still need to learn the most of is how to address this issue and other polarizing ethical issues with the compassion and humility of Jesus. Or even more importantly, we need to learn how to address and to engage the people involved in these issues with the compassion and humility of Jesus.


Jackie Bolen said...

I wonder if arguing about the ethical issues is really just a big waste of time? In this post-modern world it seems like there will never really be a definitive answer.

Even if homsexuality is a sin, what about overeating (gluttony), watching "R" movies (lust), consumption (greed), etc, etc. Why is homosexuality so often the focus when there are so many other pervasive things in our North American churches that get ignored?

David Brush said...

Thank you for your responses Josh. I appreciate you taking the time to answer some of my questions. I have 'A New Kind of Christian' on hold at the library, and will be getting into that shortly. I needed a trusted source as so much I have read is skewed on the internet and need to come to a better understanding.

Christology - In having read more since my post on Velvet Elvis I have to agree with you on his orthodoxy, and you are also correct that he is a spokesperson for a diverse movement.

Homosexuality - If this makes sense, the first time I read through the post on Christianity today I was under the impression he was speaking to a gay couple, who had met through gay parents and wanted a wedding in that church. In the context of re-reading it seeing it in the light of a heterosexual couple inviting gay parents, I have no issues.

I personally want more gay people in church, because Kingdom life was not meant to exclude on a stereotype that homosexuals can't/don't love Jesus. I have knowledge otherwise


James Diggs said...

Good post,

I think your right that McLaren himself does have a sound Christology; as far as this and other theological matters being “on the table” in the context of post-modernity and the emergent church I think this is also ok in terms of continual dialogue and allowing people to be intellectually honest with themselves on their journey of faith. It makes sense to revisit some of these things in a post modern context as we continually try to work out our faith in our ever changing context. We should not be afraid of even the hardest questions being asked and we ourselves might actually learn something.

As far as homosexually goes, I think that both this issue along with the poor way the church has responded to it is both a symptom of a larger problem. The modern/western church itself has a very unhealthy view of sexuality that narrowly defines it as intercourse between two married people of the opposite sex. I am not saying that this is narrow because intercourse is healthy outside these parameters but that just because someone has intercourse only with their spouse does not mean they are automatically a sexually healthy individual.

Our answer for sexual health and wholeness is “only have sex in marriage” and this answer is extremely lacking when it comes to really helping people with having wholeness in their sexual identity. The answer is not that simple, if it were there would not be countless monogamous married people that struggle with sexuality and sexual issues in their lives. In this context I think to pick on homosexuality is unfair and naïve of what real healthy sexuality really is. Until the church figures out how to talk about sexual purity and wholeness on deeper levels beyond just outward parameters (even if those are good parameters) we will not be able to speak on sexual wholeness with any credibility or effectiveness to help anyone, whether homosexual and heterosexual.

Anyway, thanks again for the good post and discussion.



Scott64 said...

If Jesus returned in person today as he was then I know he would sit and talk with homosexuals. I also know we would find him in places that most Christians never ever even consider. We would see him under the bridge as we passed over holding a drunken man's hair while he puked. We would see him in crack houses making sure that the needle was clean and mourning the fact that it was used but never stopping... never condemning! Jesus can does and always seperates the man from the sin. To anyone reading this who is practicing homosexuality: I love you... Jesus loves you.


Unknown said...

OK, so hot topics get lots of comments. - Lesson learned. Thanks everyone.

Jackie - the other things/sins you mentioned are also significant issues meriting discussion in the church. We need to talk about all of life, following Jesus in every part of life. I don't think our history of narrowing of the field of ethics to a few issues means that we should stop talking about ethics. I think it means we should talk about ethics more, realizing that every choice in life is an ethical choice.
James - I appreciate your post a lot, and I'm happy to report that we have already begun to think about and plan a series in our church for this spring on sexuality covering topics like (theology of sexuality, community and sexuality, marriage and sexuality, singlehood and sexuality, homosexuality, and pornography). We're pretty committed to doing the series, but we're still trying to figure out when/how to fit it in.
Dave and Scott- yes, we need more gay people in church. Actually, counter-intuitively for our radical-right brothers and sisters, that could be a great sign of health for a church.

David Brush said...

A sermon from my church on homosexuality.

David Brush said...

all right...

Half-way through 'A New Kind of Christian' on loan from the library. I have to say that at times I am really getting where he is going with, he puts words to what I have felt since I was a teenager.

On the other hand I find it to be a bit overly presumptive of the general evangelicals position. But maybe that's because I am not as indoctrinated as the previous generations.

I really think though that this should be on the radar for every evangelical pastor between the ages of 20 and 60. If only so they can realize that they will soon be trying to answer questions no one is asking anymore.