Sunday, December 2, 2012

100 Things I Love About Korea - #17: Coffee Shops

There is a coffee shop on every corner, sometimes two, literally.  Coffee has to be the single fastest growing consumer good in Korea.  The boom of coffee shops is a well recognized trend.
There is a new coffee shop in our neighborhood almost every month.  First the coffee shops replaced the bars, but now they are taking over the clothing stores and regular restaurants.  Many of the shops have their own mini-roasteries, as well as unique menu items like homemade baked goods or sandwiches.
Not that I'm complaining.  I love coffee, and I love variety, and I love supporting mom-and-pop stores. All of this makes Korea surprisingly utopia-esque for coffee aficionados.  They're ubiquitous.*  

* In case you're not a native speaker in Korea, this word usage is tongue-in-cheek.  Ubiquitous (a rare word in English) is a very commonly used word in Korean's public signage, in which companies or programs say how wonderful they are.

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