Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Korea Tip 126: Expats and Life Abroad Series

Michael Palmer has put together a beautiful little series of posts about living abroad (mostly in Korea).  I highly recommend reading all five articles - plus the bonus.

1. Living Between the Times - Jason Veach - (a comparison of adapting to the varying time practices of the Swiss and the Spanish)
2. A Letter to Pre-Korea Me - Stacey Siebritz - (wise and witty bits of advice on living in Korea)
3. How Kimchi Changed My Life - Jolie Lee - (how living in Korea has increased her appreciation for the USA and for Korea)
4. The Beauty in Good-bye - Michael Palmer (a poignant piece about appreciating this painful but ever-present event)
5. Know Thyself - Yours Truly (how culture shock reveals our own junk)

And a bonus from Stacey's blog: What No One Tells You About Leaving South Korea.

Read, learn, and enjoy.

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