Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Like the Sea

How can it be
That problems and trouble
Roll like the sea?
Now they surge and double;
Now they wane and flee.
With or without my failure,
They rise with fearsome froth.
With or without my succor,
They sink with silky sloth.
Why do I fear the waves
When I know I'll see them go?
Why fear the critics and knaves
When they too will ebb and flow?
Maker, Master, Captain of the Sea,
If waves must roar, at least calm me.

1 comment:

T.A.Galloway said...

How easy it is for distractions to steal away our vision. The flash, obscene,beauty,crash, the list that diverts our eyes is endless. I am beginning to understand that truth experienced builds strength. I love short works that get right to point. I welcome all visitors to my blog at http://aservantsheartministry.blogspot.com/