Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Multiplying Missional Leaders - Review

You know how things tend to fall apart after the key leader leaves?
I've been there and done that, and ever since I've been trying not to do that again.
This book is about how to change that.

You know how church folks tend to develop this myopic vision of their world?  We lead and serve and play within an increasingly small space, while the wide wide world is left unexplored and unserved.
This book is about how to change that.

You know how discipleship has taken on the meaning of understanding some basic information and becoming moderately faithful in a bare minimum of personal spiritual disciplines?  We still think following Jesus is all about us.  Somehow we have separated discipleship and mission.
This book is about how to change that.

You know how your small group sometimes gets this itch to change the world but doesn't know where to start?  We don't have enough people working together with a common vision to accomplish much of anything together.
This book is about how to change that.

You know how the biggest problem in Christianity is that Christians aren't actually living up to our own ideals?  We have all kinds of information, but not much follow-through.  We are happy for someone to teach us to DO something better, but we chafe at anyone's suggestion that they can help us BE someone better.
This book is about how to change that.

You know how the Church seems to be one more machine in our consumeristic society?  We are all producing what the customers want and consuming what the customers are willing to pay for the religious goods.
This book is about how to change that.

You know how Christian community often seems to stop at the doors of the church?  Maybe you even have a small group with a few prayer requests, but everyone is left longing for a deeper level of community that we just don't know how to get or even how to name.
This book is about how to change that.

You know how our experience of Church so often leaves us disappointed and longing for more?
This book is about how to change that.


Anonymous said...

interesting ideas. i was just thinking about schisms and splintering.
at the youido church twice david cho had to come back from retirement because the church threatened to splinter with his absence. but that's to be expected w half a million members.

Unknown said...

Great connection there, Bruce. And similar things have happened in other churches as well.

Egypt said...

very nice