Tuesday, March 15, 2011

All About Eve - #28 Greatest Movie of All Time

We are loving that Itunes is carrying more of the old classics.  Last week, we watched All About Eve, #28 on AFI's greatest movies of all time list.  I was surprised to learn that this movie shares (with Titanic) the record for most Oscar nominees, and it is the only movie in history to have four women nominated for Oscars (two each for lead actress and supporting actress).  Marylin Monroe also has a small part, which was cool to watch.
This movie is fun, enjoyable, well-scripted, and painful.  The characters are believable, vulnerable, and easy to connect with.  The story line, even while including a few key twists and turns, also makes sense. 
In the end, this is a story about people who make their careers their lives and then find the emptiness of that choice.  A few characters seem to make a turn at the end toward relationship and valuing others.  One in particular (with a beautiful twist) enters into her own traps. 
It has been a while since Sarah and I have genuinely liked a movie on the top 100 list.  We usually appreciate their artistic quality, but often don't find them matching our personal taste.  However, this one hit the mark.  I give it a strong: JJJJ.  (Not 5, only because it lacked some of the moral punch I'd like to see.)

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